Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For those of you who like completely inane questions, here is one about me.  What are the two words I have more trouble spelling than any other?

A:)  Marraige.  (Marriage)

B:) Exersize. (Exercise)

Ready for another question?  (That's a question in and of itself, so here is the third and actual question.)  Which scares me more?  B.

I hate exercising.   I hate running.  I hate lifting weights.  I hate being at the gym watching juicers spurt more pimples while they bench 275+ lbs while I am pushing 60 on the arm machine with my little twigs.  I hate running on a treadmill with no apparent purpose or reason.  (Side note:  I know there is a reason - getting healthy, but it's hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel when you are lifting your feet like a guinea pig on a wheel in a cage.)  I can't concentrate on music - I am constantly changing the songs every 15 seconds.  

But since coming out to Kansas, and being consistently bored, since I can't find a job of any kind in the midwest, I've started exercising, both out of a need for some kind of entertainment and a 10 year desire to lose this ponderous belly I've acquired during my disdain for physical activity. 

I could occasionally lift weights from time to time because I could see results.  Even after one day, I felt stronger, and after a week, my girl was purring like a kitten at my newfound MUS-KULLS.  Rowr.  

But even after a day of walking and running, then 3, then five, there was still not even the smallest of changes to my midsection.  But after about 7 days, there was a nudge.  Maybe half an inch gone?  I don't care.  It's progress.  

But this is what I've learned.  It's SLOW progress.  You can't lose weight overnight.  And even if you accept that - it's not enough.  I need to repeatedly pound it into my head.  Case in point.

Sunday night, we went to Black Hoof Park and walked to the dam, then ran back.  I killed it.  It was the best I've ever worked myself, probably since high school football.  (I wish I could go back and just go through training camp.  Lose 20 pounds and get it over with in 2 1/2 weeks).  I felt on top of the world.  The next night though, we took it easy and went to a slowly building community across the street.  Lots of hills.  We weren't even running, and I felt like garbage.  I was getting shin splints, cramps, my back hurt.  I had to ask Ashley if we could cut it short.  I was embarrassed.  I was angry at myself for quitting.  

But I need to keep reminding myself what a slow process this is.  I start graduate school in January.  That's going to be a slow process.  I need to keep a 3.0 or better just to stay in.  I need a 3.5+ or better to get into any doctoral schools.  It's a LONG process.  I could be in my mid-30s or early 40s before this leads to any fruition.   But just like losing weight, I can do it, slowly but surely.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stay away from the steak crostada. Feeling pukey.
In the olive garden in Macon, Georgia. Town is hopping.
Omelette with sausage, peppers, onions, cheddar, and a glass of grapefruit. Totally exhausted. We will be at least 2 hours behind after this.
In Orlando at the ritz carlton. Place is huge. Going to eat in a room with 5 balconies.
On the road - Orlando soon.