Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Of Possible Futures

Being laid off sucks.  It's boring.  I routinely watch 2-3 movies a day, and then I sleep, wake up, eat dinner, and sleep again.  Occasionally I'll go to Ashley's work, but her co-workers drive me so ridiculously insane that I often wish I had never come.  Ashley also usually wishes she hadn't brought me. 
(Side note:  Anyone good at math?  If a painting is 30"X90", and canvas costs $2.50 per square foot, how much will the 30X90 canvas cost?  I will explain this later.)

I've tried many things to fill my time.  I've looked up friends from WAAAAAY back on facebook.  All the way from middle school.  I started this blog.  I cleaned up the room. I made up a new word (see previous post) I made falafel(s) last night.  I bought the new book on David Beckham and finished it in two hours.

I'm still skull crushingly bored.

Being bored leads to a lot of introspection.  A lot of thought about how I ended up like this (laid off).  About what I want out of the rest of my life.  About how I'm going to get it.  About how the United States is going to win the next World Cup.  (OK Abe, time to lay off the oxycodone.)  How I want to be a professor, an AD, a political progressive, and a servant leader all in one.  How I want to marry Ashley and raise two or three kids.  How I have to pay off my car and student loans before some of that can happen.  At the risk of sounding totally Generation X (which, btw, I found out I am a tail end member of), adulthood, well - sucks.  Not as much as being bored though.

Yo soy tu gummy bear.  

I'm considering joining the National Guard.  Nine weeks of basic training.  Oy.  9-12 weeks of Officer School.  All, shall we say, cons.  The idea of resocialization scares me to no end.  If I have any thing left, it is who I am.  Am I will to be broken down and remolded to pay off my student loans?  To go to graduate school for free?  

On the other hand, assuming I am not internationally deployed - one weekend a month, and two weeks a year isn't that bad.  On top of an enlistment bonus.  And a steady paycheck.  And no debt (till I get a mortgage).  

Color me undecided.   

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